Thursday, February 26, 2009

When catnip is not enough

Bob has been spending a lot of time with his guitars lately. I often come home to find them scattered about the living room, gently propped up on furniture. Good for him, I would think to myself.

Then I came home one day to find this:

That's right. Bob's guitar is wearing a winter hat.

I then began to worry maybe he was spending a little too much time with his guitars. Was it possible he was beginning to anthropomorphise them? Was the next step a little knitted jacket?

Turns out, Bob wasn't worried about his guitar catching a cold. The purpose of the hat, he informed me, was to prevent more of this:

Those are teeth marks. Apparently, Cricket has been using the top of his guitar as a chew toy.

Baaaad kitty.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Could you care less, or not?

While people who pronounce "realtor" as "reel-a-tor" and those who say "spendy" still top my list, my absolute biggest pet peeve lately is the bastardization of the phrase "couldn't care less."

I have increasingly seen or heard this phrase used as "COULD care less," as if that makes sense. I even saw it used that way in a mainstream magazine article that was presumably looked at by at least one editor (shame on you, Real Simple). The writer stated that her free-spirited mother "could care less about dirty dishes." Hmmm. So what could she care more about?

Apparently there are a lot of people running around who think they DON'T care about something but continually tell to others that they REALLY DO by mangling this phrase. Perhaps the extra "n't" is just too much effort for those who are already trying to indicate they care so little? Who knows. But I suspect future generations will scratch their heads at how the then-common phrase "could care less" came about, because, they will realize, it means the opposite of what it's supposed to.

Kind of like "head over heels." Aren't our heads always over our heels? I'll bet some idiot mangled "heels over head" one day and it took off like wildfire. I'm just sayin'.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Farewell, sweet Domino

I was so sad to discover that my favorite magazine, Domino, recently folded. I love this magazine (hence my collection, above). Unfortunately, there is nothing else like it on the market right now that can fill the void for its passionate followers. And, of course, my mom just got me a subscription for my birthday three months ago. Happy Birthday to me!

I will miss the beautiful rooms, photos, ideas and inspiration that this magazine provided. It's style was chic, modern, fun, and totally accessible. I always looked forward to reading it each month.

Domino, you will be missed.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

She wears her sunglasses at night

If Cricket made an 80s music video, it would look like this:

I swear it looks like she's even wearing eyeliner, but she insists she was going for more of a Don Henley "Boys of Summer" look.

For those of you who are too young (or too "mature") to know what I'm talking about, kindly move along.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the field

One of my New Year's resolutions was to improve my photography skills, so I recently took a one-day class on nature photography taught by our friend Dan, who now has his own business. Part of the class was spent in the field where I worked on my macro (close-up) photography, even though I don't yet have a macro lens. Thus, it's really poor man's macro.

And when I say we spent time in the field, I mean an actual field, where there was very little to photograph but snow and branches.

Anyway, here are a couple of the (unedited) shots I took that day:

I kind of like the above photo because, even though it's dark, it looks like it could have been taken underwater. It kind of looks like glowing sea urchins.

This next one is a little drab, but hey - it was January in Minnesota. There wasn't a lot of color out there.

I just thought this tiny field pod was cute and begging to be photographed:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I came downstairs this morning to find these:

When Bob came home from work tonight we had wine, hors d'oeuvres, and these:

Cups made of white and dark chocolate filled with mascarpone and raspberries, drizzled with honey (and no, I didn't make them myself). Mmmmmm...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Useless. Every one of them.

I, on the other hand - in an unusual spurt of domesticity - whipped up a batch of pecan brittle. It is sooo good. And so simple: pretty much just butter, sugar, a little salt, and pecans. Here's the finished product:

Sadly, now that my kitchen skills have been exhausted, this will probably be our dinner tonight.