Monday, April 7, 2008

They grow up so fast

Today Bob celebrates his LAST YEAR in his 30s ( He loves it when I emphasize that. Which I've been doing all day). Can you believe it?

For his birthday I got him a private flying lesson, which unfortunately had to be rescheduled for Friday due to the weather. He will spend an hour up in the air with an instructor and will get to fly the plane himself for part of it.

I'm actually taking a lesson, too, but mine is for work. I'm doing an article on a local air field, which is how I found out about the lessons. Knowing that Bob has always wanted to learn to fly, I knew it would be the perfect present. Plus, he already has the Maverick-esque Ray Ban aviators, so the lesson is really just a technicality.

Meanwhile, keeping with the aviation theme, we celebrated his birthday with dinner at Doolittle's Woodfire Grill (they have blue crab cakes to die for), where we asked the waitress to take our picture. I noticed she was pointing the camera a little high, but I figured she knew what she was doing when she adjusted the lens and said, "I like a tight shot."

Here's how it turned out.

Umm, yeah. At least she recognized that the vast expanse of wall was the important part of this photo.



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bob! You are aging very well, indeed. Hope that this year will hold some special surprises (good ones, of course!). Many wishes for a grand finale to this decade of your life.


Kristin said...

We're going to watch you closely this year to see if we even want to turn any older. If you start failing (eyesight, muscle tone, bladder), we may just decide to stay 37. Thanks for blazing this trail.

And Happy Birthday!