Thursday, February 26, 2009

When catnip is not enough

Bob has been spending a lot of time with his guitars lately. I often come home to find them scattered about the living room, gently propped up on furniture. Good for him, I would think to myself.

Then I came home one day to find this:

That's right. Bob's guitar is wearing a winter hat.

I then began to worry maybe he was spending a little too much time with his guitars. Was it possible he was beginning to anthropomorphise them? Was the next step a little knitted jacket?

Turns out, Bob wasn't worried about his guitar catching a cold. The purpose of the hat, he informed me, was to prevent more of this:

Those are teeth marks. Apparently, Cricket has been using the top of his guitar as a chew toy.

Baaaad kitty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an excellent picture of an ashamed cat.

Also, the color of the chew toy...err...guitar is beautiful.